

At New Mills school we have purchased a license to use Unifrog to support you with your careers choice and options. Unifrog is a comprehensive online platform that brings all available post-school options into one, user-friendly place. It will provide you with essential knowledge and skills, and offer you a chance to explore career opportunities, university courses, apprenticeships, and much more.

Welcome to the Unifrog Guide

Here’s how you can make the most of Unifrog as a student at New Mills School.

Getting Started with Unifrog

  1. Login Information
    • Username: [Your School Email]
    • Password: [Initial Password or Reset Instructions]

If you have any trouble logging in, please ask your form tutor or contact Mr Lytham.

  1. Accessing the Platform
    • Go to the Unifrog website: Unifrog Login
    • Enter your login details and click on ‘Login’.

Exploring Career Options

  1. Careers Library
    • Browse through a wide range of career profiles to discover various professions. Each profile includes job descriptions, entry requirements, salary information, and more.
    • Use filters to narrow down your search based on interests, subjects, and career types.
  2. Interest Profile
    • Complete the interest profile quiz to receive personalized career suggestions based on your interests and strengths.

Researching Further Education

  1. College and University Search
    • Use the college and university search tool to explore courses and institutions worldwide.
    • Compare programs based on entry requirements, course content, and student satisfaction ratings.
  2. Apprenticeships and Vocational Training
    • Find apprenticeship opportunities that match your career interests.
    • Learn about vocational training programs and their benefits.
    • New opportunities will come live right throughout the year.

Building Your Resume

  1. CV Builder
    • Create a professional CV using Unifrog’s step-by-step CV builder.
    • Customize your CV for different job applications and download it in various formats.
  2. Activities and Competencies
    • Log your extracurricular activities, work experience, and achievements.
    • Identify and record the skills and competencies you’ve developed through these experiences.

Preparing for Applications

  1. Personal Statement Tool
    • Get guidance on writing a compelling personal statement for university applications.
    • Use the interactive tool to draft, review, and perfect your personal statement.
  2. Application Management
    • Keep track of your applications and deadlines.
    • Receive reminders and tips to ensure you don’t miss important dates.

Utilizing Additional Resources

  1. Webinars and Workshops
    • Attend online webinars and workshops on various topics, such as interview preparation, study skills, and career planning.
    • Access recorded sessions if you miss a live event.
  2. Unifrog Guides
    • Explore detailed guides on a wide range of topics, from studying abroad to understanding different career paths.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What should I do if I forget my password?
A: Click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link on the login page and follow the instructions to reset your password.

Q: Who can I contact for help with Unifrog?
A: Speak to Mr Lytham or email for assistance.

Access to the Careers Advisor

Our dedicated Careers Advisor is here to support you with your career-related queries, whether you’re considering further education, apprenticeships, or entering the workforce.

Contact Information:

Feel free to request an appointment or email to ask questions for any advice or assistance.