
Contact Us

You can contact us at any time by emailing: or by leaving a message and your contact details with the school reception – telephone or letter. We always try to answer within 72 hours.

In October 2014 the Governing Body reconstituted under the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012.

Board of Governors Summer 2024

All our governors are members of one of the two committees, Curriculum and Student Experience Committee (CASE) or Resources and Personnel (RAP). They may also have lead responsibility for a key school issue e.g. Health and Safety, or role as a Faculty/Subject Link Governor.

Governors Attendance logs

Governor Attendance 2022-23

Governor Attendance 2023-24

Governors Register of Interest

Register of Interests

Governors Agendas, Papers and Minutes

Approved notes, agendas and papers are available upon request by emailing