Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is deployed by schools to narrow the attainment gap between students from lower income families and their peers.

Introduced by the Government in 2011 in addition to main school funding, schools have the freedom to spend PP funding as they see fit, based on their knowledge of students' needs. More information is available from the Government website here

What is the Pupil Premium (PP) funding?

Pupil Premium is an opportunity for the school to provide a fair and inclusive school for all pupils by narrowing attainment gaps. Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is an additional payment to our main school funding, available to raise aspiration and achievement of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding by providing an individual programme of support. Pupils included are those who are eligible for free school meals, those children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months and those with parents in the Armed Forces. The money enables accelerated progress with target groups using an evidence based approach. Staff provide additional provision in the mainstream classroom and further raise aspirations and expectations beyond school by engaging parents.

At New Mills School we spend the funding specifically on additional educational support to raise the standards of attainment for these pupils. We encourage our students to learn together; support each other and develop their own individual strengths.  We believe that it is our responsibility to help the young people of today to realise their dreams to fulfil their potential and go on to succeed in the workplace and the wider world.  We believe that our all-round and unique educational environment at New Mills School equips our students for life and its many challenges and opportunities.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025

Review of Expenditure and Impact 2023-2024