Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is deployed by schools to narrow the attainment gap between students from lower income families and their peers.

Introduced by the Government in 2011 in addition to main school funding, schools have the freedom to spend PP funding as they see fit, based on their knowledge of students' needs. More information is available form the Government website here

What is the Pupil Premium (PP) funding?

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was introduced in April 2011 by the coalition government to address the gap in attainment between students deemed 'disadvantaged' and their peers. Children are considered disadvantaged if: 
  • eligible for free school meals (or have been eligible in the last six years, known as 'Ever 6');  

  • looked after, including continuously for more than six months; or  

  • a parent works in the armed forces. 

  •  The pupil premium is paid to pupils between the ages of 5 and 16 and it should be spent in ways that close the gap in attainment between these students and their peers. 

The 2023/2024 rate of payment is:  

  • £1035 per FSM or Ever 6 FSM pupil in year 7 to year 11;  

  • £2530 per Looked after child (LAC) and Previously looked-after children (PLAC); and  

  • £335 per service child or Ever 3 service child.  

The pupil premium is paid to schools as they are best placed to assess what additional provision their pupils need. 

Pupil Premium Plan

Our core purpose is to ensure that students of all abilities and backgrounds have high aspirations and achieve their potential. By continuing our relentless drive to maintain and improve the quality of teaching and learning we expect to further improve the outcomes of all the students at New Mills and this will be demonstrated through our headline figures.