Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance: Why does it matter?

New Mills School believes that a student’s good attendance and punctuality is vital if they are to gain the most from the education we provide.  We believe that to be successful, all learners require the highest level of access, attendance and engagement and we will work closely with all agencies in order to achieve this.  The school aims to achieve an attendance target of 96% annually.

Attendance has a major impact on your child’s academic performance:

  • Students whose attendance is above 95% will achieve an average of seven or eight GCSE qualifications at grades 9 to 4
  • Students whose attendance drops below 93% will attain on average only two or three GCSE qualifications at grades 9 to 4
  • Therefore good attendance will have a big influence on your child’s later prospects in adult life

What are the legal responsibilities of parents/carers?

To ensure that your child is educated at school.

We expect students to be absent only when entirely necessary, because of illness or other authorised circumstance. As a diverse school community we will always respect a student’s right to religious observation and will authorise any relative absences accordingly.

DfE have shared information for schools to pass to parents relating to when is it appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with a mild illness.

The school operates a first day response system to absence.

We expect parents to adhere to the following protocol if their child is absent:

• Assess whether the child is definitely required to be absent from school or whether or not they could be sent in.

• Contact school before 8.30am on the first day of absence to inform the school why their child is absent.

• Parents should then contact school on every day of subsequent absence.

• If the child is absent through serious illness, they should seek medical advice/help for the child.

• If the child is able to come in later in the day, they should.

What does this actually mean?

Your child must:

  • Attend school regularly
  • Arrive at school on time
  • Be suitably clothed for school
  • Be equipped, ready and in a condition to learn

Your child must not be kept away from school for:


  • Family holidays
  • Looking after brothers or sisters
  • Visiting relatives Long weekends
  • Shopping trips

If you keep your child away from school for any of the above reasons you are breaking the law.

Why do children not attend school?

There are many reasons why children fail to attend school:

  • Problems with school work
  • Boredom
  • Fear of failure
  • Peer group pressures
  • Bullying
  • Family problems
  • Lack of parental control

Talk to us if you are having difficulty getting your child into school.  We can work together to resolve the problem!