Student Support

Empowering students to think big is of paramount importance to us but it is the team spirit of our students, parents and carers, and the staff at New Mills School which will provide the necessary support for each of our students to maximise their learning and secure the best possible academic outcomes. At the centre of our student support is your child’s form tutor. The form tutor is the first point of contact for parents/carers and other members of staff. Students have daily contact with their form tutor and, as a result, form tutors become fully aware of the students’ individual needs, personalities, strengths, and possible areas for support.  When contacting your child’s form tutor, parents/carers can be safe in the knowledge they are speaking to an informed member of staff who has already built up a bond of trust with their child.

Form tutors are supported and led by a year manager.  All our year managers are support members of staff who are in the fortunate position of devoting 100% of their time to ensuring every student in their year group is ready to learn.